About us
The Federal Institute of Public Health (BIÖG) is a governmental organisation in the portfolio of the German Federal Ministry of Health. It acts as a specialist authority for all concerns related to health promotion and prevention activities on the national level. It encourages health-promoting lifestyles and the prevention of health risks as well as develops national and international standards and strategies, implementing them in the form of campaigns, programmes, and projects.
In its role as WHO Collaborating Centre (WHO CC), the BIÖG supports the WHO Regional Office for Europe in developing and implementing standards and activities in the field of health promotion and sexual and reproductive health. One of its main thematic focus lies on comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) for children and young people in the WHO European Region.
The BIÖG builds its international work regarding sexuality education on its long-standing national experience. As a governmental institution, the BIÖG has the legal mandate to implement sexuality education in Germany, in close cooperation with all German family counselling institutions and other relevant organizations in this field (e.g., Act on Conflicts During Pregnancy).