WHO Collaborating Centre for Sexual and Reproductive Health

International Meeting on sexual and reproductive health services for young refugees (26 November 2024, Istanbul)

On 26 November 2024, the project coordinating countries Germany, Turkiye and Serbia are going to facilitate the international meeting on "Sexual and reproductive health services for young refugees". This meeting is part of the project "Sexual and reproductive health of young refugees - good practices and lessons learned"supported by the Erasmus+…


WHO-Collaboration Center

The Federal Institute of Public Health (BIÖG) has been a WHO Collaborating Centre for Sexual and Reproductive Health since 2003. The thematic focus lies on sexuality education in the WHO European region, a theme in which BIÖG has many years of experience on the national as well as on the international level. As WHO Collaborating Centre it engages in the development of frameworks and materials for different target groups in the field of sexuality education, in the development of standards, in research and in the organisation of seminars and conferences for knowledge transfer and networking.

About us

As WHO CC, we are strongly committed to facilitating the implementation of regional and global frameworks, strategies and action plans relevant to the field of sexual and reproductive health in Member States of the WHO European Region, including the WHO Action Plan for Sexual and Reproductive Rights and the Sustainable Development GoalS.. [more]

Sexuality Education in Europe >>

The BIÖG and the International Planned Parenthood Federation European Network (IPPF EN) jointly initiated an analysis of the status of sexuality education in 25 countries of the WHO European Region. [more]

Publications >>

In order to support the implementation of sexuality education in the WHO European Region and ensure the quality of sexuality education, the BIÖG works with the European Expert Group for Sexuality Education to prepare standards and guidelines for disseminators and political stakeholders. [more]

BIÖG is one of 10 WHO Collaborating Centres in Germany. Institutions are nominated as WHO/ Europe Collaborating Centres by the WHO-Regional Office in Copenhagen (after having been confirmed by the WHO headquarters in Geneva).



The WHO Collaborating Centre for sexual and reproductive health is supported by the Federal Ministry of Health.