European Expert Group on Sexuality Education

The Federal Institute of Public Health (BIÖG) is a WHO Collaborating Centre for Sexual and Reproductive Health that focusses on sexuality education for children and young people. In this position, BIÖG works closely together with international experts in the field, who form the European Expert Group on Sexuality Education. The aims of this cooperation are:

  • to advocate for and to promote the implementation of and access to holistic sexuality education for children and young people,

  • to develop documents and materials, which support countries of the WHO European region in the implementation of sexuality education programs and the insurance of their quality,

  • and to enhance communication between  different actors working in the field of sexuality education and thereby  to increase networking and knowledge transfer.

The group came into being as an advisory and reference group for the BZgA around the development of the Standards for Sexuality Education In Europe. The group comprises of experts from different European countries, with various backgrounds ranging from medicine to psychology and social sciences. All of them have extensive experience in the field of sexuality education, in either a scientific, theoretical or a more practical way. Governmental, intergovernmental and nongovernmental organisations as well as academia are represented.